Hand Protection


One of the most overlooked yet critical safety elements at the workplace is the taking up of protection for hand in the workplace. Hands are our most significant assets, and they can easily get injured when working without proper protection, meaning there is downtime, a decrease in productivity, and permanent damage. In this article, we are going to delve into the world of hand protection, talking about its importance, kinds, and also its plethora of benefits. We will walk you through how to choose the right kind of hand protection for your industry.

What is Hand Protection?

Hand protection involves donning gloves, sleeves, or other protective devices on the hands while going about specific activities in the workplace. The primary aim of hand protection is to avoid injuries and maintain a safe working environment while also reducing the risk of contracting an illness.

Why is Hand Protection Important?

Not wearing hand protection could cause serious consequences such as cuts, lacerations, burns, and even amputations. Contrary to that, hand protection reduces risks of injury, improves grip, and dexterity, and results in good overall job performance.

Common Hazards in the Workplace

In today’s working place, it is a hazardous environment offering a number of dangers to anyone. The most common hazards demanding hand protection include:

Chemical Hazards

Chemicals can cause irritations and burns on the skin as well as long-term health damage. Hand protection prevents the contact of hands with chemicals and reduces their exposure.

Physical Hazards

Physical hazards include cuts, abrasions, and punctures that may result when handling sharp cutting tools or machinery. Hand protection might protect against such hazards.

Biological Hazards

Examples of biological hazards are bacteria, viruses, and other such pathogenic microorganisms that can cause illnesses and infections. Exposure to biological hazards can be avoided by wearing hand protection equipment.

Selection of Hand Protection

The critical factors for selecting hand protection include:

There are different types of industry-specific hand protection. For instance, a construction worker might need high-impact gloves for heavy-duty usage or a healthcare worker might require hand protection with an antimicrobial finish.

How to Put on the Hand Protection Correctly

Hand protection shall be donned and doffed properly in order to work right and efficiently. This must also include:

Putting on Hand Protection and Removing It

The application and removal of hand protection is achieved in such a manner that does not contaminate it as well as the skin underneath, in order for the proper fit and coverage to be attained.

Maintenance of Hand Protection

The equipment for hand protection shall be cleaned and maintained rightly so that it lasts for a much longer period, ensuring the protection of the user at every moment.

Regulations and Standards of Hand Protection

Hand protection regulations and standards are country and industry specific. Know the relevant regulations and standards applied to your industry.

Common Myths About Hand Protection

For one, hands covered with gloves reduce dexterity and grip. Modern hand protection is designed to ensure both protection and functionality.
